The Sherman Lakes Homeowners’ Association is committed to providing the highest level of community living with a beautiful, well-maintained, safe and neighborly environment for the common benefit and enjoyment of all homeowners.
Board of Directors
President – Keith Goshia
Treasurer – Michael Farris
Secretary – Matt Barrowman
Communications – Jenn Pavlic
Vendor Relations – Jeffrey Unger
The Board of Directors primary focus is to preserve and enhance property values, and encourage neighborhood pride, harmony, and safety. The Sherman Lakes Homeowners’ Association is administered by a Board of Directors comprised of unpaid volunteers. Our Board motto is “Neighbors First”
The Vision of the Sherman Lakes HOA is PRIDE
P – Provide an enriched community with a sense of pride.
R – Respect and preserve the collective rights and interests of homeowners.
I – Invest in the community in order to protect property values.
D – Develop active homeowner involvement to cultivate a strong sense of community.
E – Expect all homeowners to be responsible and abide by the governing documents.